Tuesday, October 27, 2009

news (or lack thereof) from south cackalacky!

well, we have had a FEW things going on. i've talked to the bank a few more times since i last posted...pretty much the same story there. loan is STILL in modification. go figure. i did talk to someone yesterday who seemed like she might be able to help. most of the time when i call, no one in the short sale department will give me the time of day...they just send me straight to the modification department to try to get the file transferred back over. finally, a nice woman named nana (yes, that was really her name!) said she would try to help. she brought her supervisor over and explained my situation. the supervisor told her what buttons to press, and said it should be done by monday, and for me to call back then. time will tell...

also, we had a couple come by last thursday and look at the house. they didnt come with their realtor, they just showed up at the door at 6:30 in the evening and wanted to know if they could take a look around. of course i said yes. they loved the house, and said they would be writing an offer the next day. i was very up front with them and told them that we were doing a short sale. i got a call the next day from their realtor saying that they wanted the house, but couldnt make an offer because they needed to do a contingency offer, and of course, the bank wont accept contingency offers.

lastly, a gentleman from out of state came today to look at the house. he loved it as well. he was particularly excited because we have high ceilings in our garage. weird huh? it seems he is a car buff, and wants to install a lift so that he can look UNDER his cars. my agent called this evening and said that he wrote an offer this afternoon, BUT he has to close within 30 days. i told my agent that the only way that could happen is if he offers the amount that we owe the bank. that amount happens to be oh, about $40k more than his offer. doubtful. even knowing that there isnt a chance in hell that he will do that, i will still go to bed tonight hoping and dreaming! it would really be perfect if the house sold right now. my husband's company has a job right now in myrtle beach...he's been going down there 2-3 days a week. the company decided to go ahead and rent a house down there for the next year since he will be there so much. if our house sold, we could all just move down there and live rent-free for the next 10-12 months. did i mention that they are looking at ocean-front houses with pools? yeah. so keep your fingers crossed for me m'kay? by the way, i thought i would show you a picture of our house. i like to post pictures of things, and since this is a blog about buying and selling houses, i thought it might be appropriate!


  1. Your home is absolutely beautiful Jen- I can see how this must be heart wrenching! I will cross my fingers for you that the buyer might love your home enough to offer what you owe and then you can put all this short sale nightmare behind you!

  2. Any updates?!?! I'm very interested to know how this works out with you?
